Saturday, September 27, 2008

Clean Energy Produces Jobs and Clean Air

Bill gets it that clean energy produces both jobs and a clean environment. As he says, Invest in technology and infrastructure for a clean energy grid:
“Creating the new technology and infrastructure for a ‘clean’ energy grid would generate billions of dollars in economic activity and put hundreds of thousands of people to work in new jobs. In addition, our country must motivate business to wean itself off fossil-fuels, and can receive an economic boon while doing so. California’s 2006 state law—led by Silicon Valley venture capitalists—that requires fossil-fuel producers to limit green house gas emissions added 20,000 jobs and a $60 billion increase in gross state product.”
With Bill Gillespie supporting such a bill from Congress, there's no reason the Georgia legislature can't follow the lead of 16 other states (by now maybe as many as 23 other states) in passing a green house gas emissions law, which would not only clean up the air but also produce jobs. Companies are already scrambling to be green all over the country. Why build another dirty coal plant in Georgia when we could move ahead and become a leader in green energy?

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